I created a step-by-step video podcast and PDF for all customers of Video Marketing Creation that walk you through how to publish your videos using the MP4 file format. You can also find this video and PDF inside OptimizeYourVideo.com if you are a customer there. It will be in the Optimize Your Video Podcast and in its own episode.

So Why The Fuss?

Many web video publishers are trading in the FLV format for MP4 because of the versatility is holds for website video, podcasting, downloadable videos and mobile media. As of April 2010, 20+ clients of mine now have an entire video podcast series in the iTunes Store, all with the MP4 videos I’ve encoded and published for them.

I think it also helps that I have a direct channel to Apple because I’ve co-developed entire iTunes University channels from scratch and can speak to Apple throughout the week. This has allowed me to do tremendous research on size displays, specs and what others across the world and in the iTunes Store are doing.

Just over the past 2 years alone, I’ve encoded well over 2,500+ Mp4 videos for clients, institutions and corporations and never had an issue with them watching, downloading or playing back the file, because of the scalable specs and settings I am aware of that creates this ease of use for myself and my clients.

You see, it’s not just any MP4 file. To get the best results, you should use the H.264 codec. The screen capture video I created for customers walks you through the different settings creating MP4 video files and within 10 minutes, you will know everything you need to master the scalability of the different specs and bit rates to publish your videos for the exact use in any situation.

You can log-in here to get the entire 10 minute detailed video and PDF overview under the “Video Optimization Training and Settings”.

