A Roadmap to Success with Video
Since 2006 I’ve provided video marketing guidance to all my editing clients, 200+ multimedia training episodes for small business customers and custom video marketing strategies for product launches.
2020 Changed the Game. I’ll Help You Adapt.
You and I know this movie we call 2020 has brought out the most surreal year for many of us. What you don’t know is that with the way I’m positioned in 4 different video markets, both online and in San Diego, I’ve gone behind the curtain and lived to tell the story.
I was into the trenches of video from March 13th – June 1st throughout the pandemic dealing with video projects day in and day out.
With all the notes I took… hours I spent editing… and templates I created… I’ve been able to come out the other side with a stream of insights to share. These discoveries are the new normal and will be for the NEXT 5-10 years. So what are you going to do?
Possibilities for Your Own Roadmap
Below are examples of what I might offer to personally bring to life for you depending on what you tell me about your business.

A full custom video marketing roadmap for your business. I’ll research what others in your market in your doing and then show you the steps to create a similar approach or a contrarian approach and what to avoid.

I will go through every detail such as, “If you approach filming people, here is how to casually and quickly get their permission…”, “If you are doing short testimonial videos, here’s how to get response…”

Share efficient ways to turn a single video into multiple streams of video – whether it’s to reuse on different platforms or how to plan ahead so you can splice up a single video for different marketing outlets.

Look inside how you are currently doing your video marketing and show you a new way to approach video with my 3X engagement strategy and the methods for you to get there using real examples.

If you are presenting on camera, I’ll show you the the exact equipment to use based on your budget or different options for different budgets along with backdrops, microphones, soundproofing, and lighting.

Exact tips I tell CEO’s and PHD’s how to present on camera, how to overcome camera fear, and how to be the most efficient when filming short videos, on-camera pieces or complete courses.
Different Consulting and Roadmap Paths
Your Own Video Studio?
Questions about building a video remote studio for teaching, learning, and live sessions for clients? I’ll be your guide that includes everything from accommodating your budget, where to get the cameras, sound, lighting, schematics, signal flow, cabling, live streaming, and sound reinforcement.
I’ve designed several video and podcast studios partnering with with well known organizations so now you get all the benefits and consultation without wondering where to start.
Your Own Video Marketing Agency?
Complete video marketing campaigns with every checkmark crossed that duplicate the TOP video marketing across the Clickbank network.
I help build video marketing sequences with the highest level of “who’s who” in these networks and will tell you everything you need to know… from length to copy tips… to follow up YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram magic including “choose your own adventure” campaigns.
Your Own Online Video Education?
You’ll see how to create your videos in a way that engages your audience so the video is a 2 way learning curriculum and not a one-way passive. Your customers MUST have interaction for them to feel like they got their money’s worth. I’ll show you how to put this on auto-pilot while your customers are not just passively listening but engaging and taking action.
This in turn will create FAR better reviews and results for your course. This experience comes from Learning Designers and working directly with Graduate and Master’s programs at the highest levels of academia for the last decade.
Your Own Producer?
If you are working with a video editor, director or producer I’ll work directly with them on some roadmaps so you can create the video marketing and programs you desire – even showing the most strategical way to get work done FAST and EFFICIENT.
I have worn all three hats most of my life so can easily convey and collaborate without any egos being involved.The hat I’ve worn most is editor and can usually knock out projects 1.5 quicker using the same material than others my clients hire.
Your Own Producer
I’ll even critique your videos that you or your team have… drilling down all the way to font and design if you want. Here is an idea of the points I’ll share:
- After reviewing your client videos I’ll give you some insight on how to spice-up, add extra value, and be able to charge more without having a shred of guilt.
- Imagine if you walked up to me on the street and said, “Give me $50…” and I said, “No… I’ll give you $497!” I’ll show you exactly how to do this with your current clients.
- Gain an extra $300 in your pocket for NOT doing something. You’re used to people telling how to get paid by doing something. I’ll show you how to do the opposite with video creation hacks and resources to save your clients money so you keep the money for yourself or pass the savings on to your clients.
Your Own Network
From short video intro ads on social media and websites… to full video sales letters, I’ll consult you on everything from scripting to design, where to get your videos made if I’m not available and access to my contact list.
The list even includes video sales letter writers I partner with who pull high conversation rates, work on commission only (translate = no upfront costs) and that perform at the highest levels on ad networks.
I partner with clients who work with ad agencies that build video marketing sequences then I do all the heavy lifting. I’ll share with you everything you need to know… from length to copy tips… to my 3X engagement strategy.
You’ll get exact tips YouTube, Facebook and Instagram specifically for your business and be able to work around current social media ad guidelines, highest converting formats, and templates for the modern viewer.
To see if we’re on the same frequency, here’s a sense of the kind of clients I works with.
Health and Fitness
Nutrition and Supplements
Financial Education
Spiritual and Healing
Sports Information Advisories
Stock and Options Trading
Internet Marketing Software
Coaching and Mindset
There is just a one-time investment for your own video roadmap along with:
where I’ll critique, review, and guide you on your journey.
where you can upload videos for your websites & marketing.
so you can start creating short videos to get the ball rolling.
showing you video workflows that takes less than 30 minutes.
The Full Picture to Guide Your Video Journey
What happens after you invest $297 for your roadmap?
Once you explain to me exactly where you are at with your business during our initial consultation, you’ll then get your complete custom roadmap.
At one point I was the co-founder of Optimize Your Video, which at the time (2010-2018) was one of the most in-demand video marketing and creation educational courses for small businesses with 12 modules and 200+ video episodes added over time.
Instead of doing a single episode for thousands of customers I’ll create a roadmap specifically for you that will encompass of a combination of content, training, flowcharts, video generators or software.
What you need is something concrete for your business.
The first step in doing so is getting onboard below then setting a time aside for both of us by clicking on the calendar link you’ll get in your email receipt.
Below you can Pay Now and Pay Later and split up the investment into 4 payments every 2 weeks starting today.